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A Baker's Dozen - Holiday Festival - Presented by the Norris Cultural Arts Center

Local singer and guitarist Dennis O’Brien and his longtime performing partner, keyboardist John Paruolo, are joined by talented multi-intrumentalist Glen West in an exclusive performance of customized holiday favorites for the Baker’s Dozen Holiday Festival. Please visit the following URL on December 18 at Noon to view our show:

This holiday season creates unique challenges for the performing arts, due to the ongoing public health emergency. In response, the Norris Cultural Arts Center brings the holidays home to you with a unique 13-day, online holiday festival, presented free as our holiday gift to the community.

It’s called “Norris Presents A Baker’s Dozen Holiday Festival,” not only because we recorded the performances at the historic Baker Community Center, but because a “baker’s dozen” traditionally has meant 13 of anything – something extra beyond a simple dozen.

Starting December 12 and daily through December 23, we will premiere new, brief videos on our website and on YouTube, featuring holiday-themed performances by local performers or ensembles. On Christmas Eve, December 24, the festival will culminate in a combined reprise of all 12 episodes in a special, multi-genre holiday program.

Each new daily episode of the festival will be available for viewing on The Norris website starting at 12:00 noon, and will remain available through the end of the Christmas season.