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Musical Chairs #1 of 31

  • St. Charles History Museum 215 East Main Street St. Charles, IL, 60174 United States (map)

Welcome to Musical Chairs!-a project where I release a daily music video featuring myself performing with a rotating lineup of fellow musicians and loved ones

. Today’s post (#1 of 31) covers Warren Zevon’s beautiful song “Don’t Let Us Get Sick”.  I am joined by my son Eian who has sung this song with me now for almost 5 years. Singing with your loved one(s) is simply the best! 

Click the link to view the video:

“Don’t Let Us Get Sick is a prayer that reveals the vulnerability of being human and the nature of our limits. It is an innocent plea to the Transcendent from the child that lives within all of us. We long for that innocence. We long for the naïvaté of the storyteller. But the child knows something we’ve forgotten. It knows of hope and love. The child doesn’t ask to be spared death, but for the swiftness of death; for bravery and community, and revelry in the present moment; for the integrity to live a life worthy of a song, sung when our time comes. The child knows these are the things that make a good life, and now we do too.”

– Eian O’Brien

  LA, November 2023

Eian O’Brien is an actor and filmmaker in Los Angeles. He wrote, directed, and produced the musical short film, Bird’s Blue Pantoum, which can be viewed on YouTube.

Location note: St. Charles History Museum (St. Charles, IL). I would like to thank Steve Gibson and Eric Krupa for allowing us to film at this wonderful location. For more information about the museum visit: 

Happy holidays!  Please enjoy and share!

For links to all currently released videos, please visit my website

Youtube link: